Data Files
Basic details
The files are available as Stata or Excel files. All data is at the annual level. Flows are measured at a quarterly frequency then averaged within a year.
Clicking the links below will automatically begin downloading the file.
Please cite Donovan, K., W.J. Lu, and T. Schoellman. 2023. "Labor Market Dynamics and Development" when using this data.
Replication packages
Donovan, K., W. J. Lu, and Todd Schoellman. "Labor Market Dynamics and Development," 2023. Quarterly Journal of Economics, forthcoming. [download]
Individual data sets
Basic documentation for naming conventions and construction [txt]
Aggregate flows...
E-U-N (+Job-Job, +Occ Switch): [stata] [excel]
B-W-U-N (+Job-Job, +Occ Switch): [stata] [excel]
Flows by...
Exit by earnings deciles (wage work only): [stata] [excel]
Exit by firm tenure (wage work only): [stata] [excel]
Other data moments...